CED is accepting nominations for the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee through May 1, 2015

Members of the Board of Directors serve 2-year terms, starting July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2017.  Board members are eligible to serve up to 3 consecutive terms before a break in service.

Members of the Executive Committee, which functions as the policy-making body of the organization, are nominated annually.  Members of the Executive Committee are drawn from the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee will serve from July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016.

Interested candidates are encouraged to self-nominate by reviewing the job description and requirements here, and returning a signed, completed application form to Vicki Schebell (vschebell@cednc.org):

Members of CED in good standing may also nominate other individuals, who then will be responsible for completing the application prior to the May 1 deadline.

All completed applications received by the May 1 deadline will be reviewed by the Governance Committee, which will then nominate officers and a slate of candidates to be considered at CEDā€™s June 3 Board of Directors meeting.

Questions or comments? Please contact Vicki Schebell at vschebell@cednc.org or 919.226.0475

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