
410 Medical – Life Saving Innovation

LifeFlow Device 410 Medical

CED sat down with partner company 410 Medical to hear how after 6 years their product, Lifeflow, has changed patient outcomes when faced with the critical need for fluids, fast. Dr. Mark Piehl, a physician by trade and entrepreneur by heart harnessed his passion for patient care and transformed what could be referred to as “crude tools” for rapid fluid resuscitation into an innovative product now used by health systems and EMS nationwide.

Dr. Piehl and Luke Roush along with a team of engineers, designed a prototype that saves lives in the most critical situations. Leaning on both CED and the NC Biotech Center for support, 410 Medical quickly took their new venture through the startup stage just steps away from the CED Office in Durham, NC. Their tool initially designed for trauma situations, now has multiple applications including the most recent which assists in the treatment of sepsis in children.

Connecting Through Innovation

Kyle Chenet, CEO of 410 Medical and active partner of CED shared a heart-warming story with us recently that we wanted to share with all of you.

Dr. Piehl, who is still practices at WakeMed is a champion for sepsis research.  Annually, he connects with Med students at UNC (which is where he did his residency) to share his passion and educate young physicians on integration of his product. This year, he connected with Hiliary [Last name], who shares his passion.  Thrilled about the interaction, Hillary told her mom that she had met Dr. Piehl. It was at that moment, the world got just a little bit smaller. As a young child, Hiliary was treated for sepsis at UNC and it was Dr. Piehl that saved her life. Now reunited, they can celebrate the progress being made to improve outcomes for this illness together.

The 410 Medical Journey

410 Medical was founded in 2013 and has raised over 6M in funding to bring this product to market.  It is currently being utilized in all WakeMed Hospitals and over 35 other health systems nationwide.  CED always likes to ask our partner companies, “If there was one piece of advice you would give a peer just starting their journey, what would it be?”

“Building a company is hard work. It takes a ton of time, effort, creativity and in most cases capital, so go into it with your eyes wide open.  Ask for advice. Lean on those that can support you like CED. This is a great community to grow a business because we have so many resources that are here to help.”  – Kyle Chenet, CEO 410 Medical.

If you are launching a company or know someone who is, The Council for Entrepreneurial Development can help.  Get in touch with us to learn more about our support and the ecosystem here in the Triangle that is rich with resources for entrepreneurs that are pursuing their dreams.