
Venture Connect Online – Podcast | Working and collaborating with University Technology Transfer Offices

The third podcast of Venture Connect online with partners Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati:

The three great universities that form the vertices of the Triangle of North Carolina are engines of innovation for its ecosystems. Every year these great universities convert billions of dollars of research into new companies like Precision Biosciences, Stride bio, Carbon, Quintiles, Cree and Locus Biosciences, and all owe their start to innovations discovered and nurtured at Duke, UNC Chapel Hill and NC State.    Have you ever wondered what the tech transfer offices does? How they support startups?  What a license deal looks like? 

Join host Katharine Ku Wilson Sonsini’s  Chief Licensing Advisor as she interviews Michael Kline of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Robin Rasor, from Duke University and Wade Fulghum from North Carolina State University as they cover a wide range of topics including:

  • The support systems each university has created to nurture the startup in its infancy
  • How they evaluate which startups they back 
  • What terms a “typical licenses agreement” has
  • Information on STTR/SBIR funding and conflicts of interest
  • Ways in which the connect startups to the additional entrepreneurial resources, both locally and nationally

If you are at a university (any university) and are thinking of launching a company, a good first step is to listen to these experts and hear what they offer.