
Making Connections that Count at Venture Connect Online

Networking. Meeting people. Seeing companies. Making connections. 

This is what we heard from you, our attendees, partners, sponsors, and presenting companies, about what makes Venture Connect such a valuable experience. 

So when it became clear that we could not safely hold our Summit as planned, the CED team immediately began working to reimagine a virtual experience that captured these important elements. While we can’t have the typical face-to-face (or “eyeball-to-eyeball” as one of you so interestingly phrased it), we can continue to facilitate meaningful connections!

Here’s how to make the most of Venture Connect Online.

Schedule a Meeting with Companies

Every year, Venture Connect features tech and life science company presentations on stage. This core component remains, albeit in a slightly different format. This year instead of watching companies present all together in a room, we’ll be watching from the comfort of our homes. But just because we’re physically apart doesn’t mean there’s not opportunities to connect directly! 

What’s the best way to connect with presenting companies at Venture Connect Online? Schedule a meeting with them! 

At the end of each company’s pitch, you’ll see a link to schedule a meeting directly through platforms like Zynbit. Zynbit connects web, email, calendar and Salesforce data to automate meeting scheduling and eliminate data entry. As a presenting company at Venture Connect Online, Zynbit has offered their services to all their fellow presenters to make scheduling meetings with you a breeze. 

Simply click on the company’s Zynbit link at the end of their presentation and choose the time that works best for you to connect! After choosing your time, you’ll receive a calendar invite automatically. Easy! No back-and-forth about availability; Zynbit syncs with the company’s calendar in real time so it will only show you available meeting times.

Over 90 Tech and Life Science companies are eager to meet with YOU!    

Request an Introduction

Connections aren’t only made between presenting companies at Venture Connect. Venture Connect also brings together our partners, sponsors, investor community, and other collaborators in our ecosystem.

Since you can’t physically run into anyone at the Summit this year, CED is here to help! Think of it like walking up to us at the event and asking us to introduce you. 

  • Looking to connect with a Venture Connect Online sponsor? Email Brennan, CED’s Director of Business Development. 
  • Looking to connect with a CED partner? Email Lindsay, one of CED’s Customer Success Specialists. 
  • Looking to connect with an investor? Email Hunter, CED’s Director of Connect to Capital. 
  • Looking to connect with a collaborator or resource in our entrepreneurial ecosystem? Email Victoria, one of CED’s Customer Success Specialists.

In fact, we’ve already made 140 direct introductions between companies, investors, partners, and attendees. And the Summit hasn’t even begun!

Engage with the Community on the Summit App

Not sure who you’re looking to connect with yet? Check out the Summit app! Read short bios of all the Presenting Companies to learn more about their developments in the Technology and Life Science industries. Check out our list of Sponsors who dedicate resources to helping the entrepreneurial community grow. See the agenda to make sure you don’t miss an episode. Send direct messages to other attendees using the Messages feature. Use the social feed to chat with other attendees. You never know who you might find!  

Even though we’re not able to gather together in person this year, we are committed to making connections that count through Venture Connect Online. Register now to join us.